Entries by Andrew Gadomski

US Senate AI Working Group Releases Policy Roadmap

“We encourage the relevant committees to consider identifying any gaps in the application of existing law to AI systems that fall under their committees’ jurisdiction and, as needed, develop legislative language to address such gaps. This language should ensure that regulators are able to access information directly relevant to enforcing existing law and, if necessary, […]

US Dept. of Labor Tells All Federal Contractors Using AI in Employment to Shape Up

Federal Contractors should… “Routinely monitor and analyze where the use of the AI system is causing a disparate or adverse impact before implementation, during use at regular intervals, and after use….” “Create a governance structure to oversee the AI system as a whole, reviewing for impact and evaluation of the AI systems against their intended […]

US and EU commit to work together on AI safety

“The European Union and the United States reaffirm our commitment to a risk-based approach to artificial intelligence (AI) and to advancing safe, secure, and trustworthy AI technologies. The dedicated coordination under the TTC continues to be instrumental to implementing our respective policy approaches which aim to reap the potential benefits of AI while protecting individuals […]