Quick tech reviews…Hiretual, Seekout, Allyo, TopFunnel and more…
Andrew and Jason give some quick reviews of technology that caught their eye at ERE and Unleash.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Andrew Gadomski contributed a whooping 43 entries.
Andrew and Jason give some quick reviews of technology that caught their eye at ERE and Unleash.
Facebook really stepped in it a couple of weeks back, and we are facing our own data privacy challenges as an HR industry with our favorite 4-letter word…GDPR. Andrew and Jason break it all down right here.
Jason and Andrew take on talent communities! What are they and are they worth it? Spoiler Alert… their value us going up because of AI…hear why.
Two more deserving HR Tech startups just scored a new round of funding. Here is what we think…
Monster makes friends with TextRecruit and Zip is somehow worth $1B… Andrew and Jason discuss this and more in this week’s recruiting.technology podcast!